IntelliJ IDEA - Java * IDE

2016-07-20 | 更新: 2016-12-24




  • Ensure line feed at file end on save
    Preferences → Editor → General → Ensure line feed at file end on save

  • Disable Drag'n'Drop functionality in editor, 鼠标拖动就复制粘贴实在太烦了
    Preferences → Editor → General → 去掉勾选 Enable Drag'n'Drop functionality in editor


  • Copy Colors & fonts Scheme to own
    Preferences → Editor → Colors & Fonts, Save As

  • Editor Font
    Preferences → Editor → Colors & Fonts → Font

  • Copy Code Style Scheme to own
    Preferences → Editor → Code Style, Scheme → Manage → Save As

  • Right margin (columns)
    Preferences → Editor → Code Style, Default Options → Right margin (columns)

  • Code Style of Languages
    Preferences → Editor → Code Style → Choose a language

  • Show whitespaces
    Preferences → Editor → General → Apperance → Show whitespaces


  • ⇧ + ⌘ + o - Preferences → Keymap → Main menu → Navigate → Class

  • ⌘ + o - Preferences → Keymap → Main menu → Navigate → File

  • ⌘ + r - Refactor → Rename

  • ⌃ + r - Other → Run context configuration


For Golong

更新: 2016-12-24

JetBrains 公司推出了 Go IDE Gogland,所以不必再使用 IntelliJ IDEA 来编写 Golang 了。


假设已经安装好 Go, Gofmt, Goimports 等工具, 并且配置好 GOPATH

  1. 安装插件:

  2. 配置 GOPATH

    Preferences → Languages & Frameworks → Go → Go Libraries, 在 Global libraries 中加入 GOPATH 路径

  3. 配置 GoImports

    1. 安装 File Watchers 插件

    2. 为 Go 添加新的 Watcher
      Preferences → Tools → File Watchers, 点加号新建如下配置
      Watcher 配置